Edgar’s Beach Party
Remember how Gabby braved jumping off that cliff in this post? Cheers to that! And cheers to the next awesome thing that transpired on our beach trip that day. Meeting Edgar, Florian and Manon, three young friends celebrating Edgar’s birthday that day. Edgar is the one who even encouraged Gabby to do the jump and gave her tips and advice. He even went so far as to jump off the cliff (the second time that day for him) right before her for even more support. This is the stuff you just can’t buy on vacation- it’s why you go in the first place: genuine encounters, new friends and experiences and just plain old growth.

L to R: Edgar, Florian and Manon
Fringe Swim top can be found at this link on, ASOS
Lace-up Sandals & black swim bottom both from H&M
Oh, and we snuck off to a cove that we had found earlier while snorkeling because we couldn’t leave Playa Forti without snapping some pics there…