Shop: Chefchaouen

La Botica de la Abuela Aladdin

Chefchaouen was quaint and laid-back enough to have more of a sense of community than Marrakech as I was walking around and exploring the shops. It allowed me to relax while shopping, which I found difficult to do in the larger city, and actually enjoy my time in the different shops. One of the amazing stores that I came across (from meeting one of the shop workers along my stroll that day) was a perfectly decorated haven in the medina full of aromatic soaps, oils and spices to tantalize the senses.

It was an enticing little boutique full of color and charm and I left with more than a few of the fragrant items. After almost an hour of perusing, I decided to buy a few sweet-smelling body oils, adorably packaged spices and even a few chunks of perfumed bars that I could place all around my room or in drawers so heavenly smells could seep into my spaces. I would also give much of my purchases out as souvenirs when I returned home. The best part about the gifts is that the friendly man working the shop wrapped everything in lovely paper and bows.

I was digging around forever looking for the name of this shop and the communication that I’d previously had with the shop worker on Whatsapp, but it seemingly disappeared! After some further digging on the internet it seems the shop is called “La Botica de la Abuela Aladdin,” which you can read reviews on here.

Whether you remember the name or not, if you visit Chefchaouen it is impossible to miss this bright boutique as either its vivid colors or just a whiff of its nectarous scents will surely draw you in.


December 28, 2016