I went to Coney Island recently, and while not one of the best beaches ever, photographer Matt Joseph and I still discovered the magic there during our sunset shoot.
My last time at the amusement park must have been close to five years ago and, cliché as it may be, I’ve always wanted to shoot there lol. I’m glad Matt reached out to me with the idea. We decided sequins seemed like the way to go to complement the colorful booths, along with the beach.
At the last minute, I decided to grab a second dress option (we were only planning to do one) just in case we wanted to switch it up and add another silhouette to our Coney Island photoshoot. And I think it was a good call…can you guess which was the original? I guess I can give you a mini-hint. 😉
Photography: Matthew Joseph

Cleanse. Heal. Reflect. Repeat.

How do you love yourself?

To experience life as a woman, I consider it a compliment from God. To thrive in it against the odds? Revolutionary.